2018 Goals


I've said it before, but seriously where has the time gone? I graduated high school in 2008... almost TEN YEARS ago and I swear I just looked up and it's 2018. 

It is crazy to me... but I really wouldn't change anything. I grew so much in 2017 and I am so thankful for where I am today. I can't wait to get started in 2018!! Lots of BIG THINGS are happening!! 

So without further ado, here are my Top 5 Goals for 2018. (I'm trying to call them goals and not resolutions... because who ever sticks to their resolutions? Not me.)

1. Be intentional with my time.

 (I.E. don't sit on my phone for hours, be present in the moment, plan each day and stick to it, spend more time outdoors and with the ones I love!)

2. Actually work out and find something I enjoy.

(This has always been tough especially after being an athlete my whole life... I HATE working out, so I really need to find something that interests me! If you have any ideas PLEASE HELP!)

3. Grow in my spiritual relationship.

(I'm in an awesome Bible Study group, but would love to find more connections within my church and definitely start reading the Bible more!)

4. Travel as much as possible (duh).

(John and I have a few things in the works, but it always gets hard with weddings, teaching, and painting! We are planning a couple big trips this year and I cannot wait!)

5. Organize my life and business.

(I really plan to get organized and intentional with how I set up my business. Things like taxes and figuring out finances make me panic, so I really need to work on this. I tend to get distracted by things that are more fun, but this year I plan to set up a better system to keep me organized. In the long run it will help so much!)



There you have it, nothing crazy, but a few things I would like to improve on in 2018! I keep seeing a pattern within these and I think my word for this year needs to be INTENTIONAL. Intentional with my time; intentional in my relationships; and intentional with all aspects of life and business! Thanks for reading and I wish you THE VERY BEST in 2018! 


Kayla :)