We're Expecting!


BABY NORD COMING MAY 2020! More specifically DERBY DAY 2020! Can you believe it?! We still can’t!

John and I are so excited and grateful for this next chapter of our life together and can’t wait to meet this little blessing in May! It’s been so hard keeping it a secret— but we are so happy to finally share our big news! Bulleit knows something is weird, but hasn’t quite figured it out yet.

I found out on August 28th, which happened to be the day of the Maker’s Market at Springhouse, so I was super busy and stressed. John was already at school and I randomly decided to take a test. Much to my surprise, 2 pink lines showed up. I honestly didn’t believe the test because it was a really cheap paper one— so I just went about my business, getting ready for the big Market that day.

When John got to Springhouse to help, I pulled him in my studio and said, “ummm I need to tell you something…” His immediate response was, “DID YOU WRECK THE CAR?!”


My track record with driving isn’t great—- but really John?!!? LOL!

So obviously I told him, but I was still skeptical— so we stopped to get a second test on the way home. Sure enough, those things don’t lie! haha

I was only about 4.5 weeks when we found out, so it was very early. My first ultrasound and doctor’s visit was at a little under 7 weeks.

I am a little over 14 weeks as of now and the question we’ve been getting asked the most is how have I been feeling. This was something I was worried about, because of how sick most of my pregnant friends were— but I have felt great! No sickness aside from my awful prenatal vitamin that I was taking in the morning— quickly changed that and now only take it at night, and overall feeling really good!

The only symptom I have had thus far is being extra tired. I am sure cutting back on caffeine hasn’t helped this any, but I have found myself being super super lazy, which is very unlike me.


Luckily, being self-employed has allowed me to switch up my schedule a bit and I have been sleeping in until 8am or 9am!! My usual 6:30am wake up call went away REAL quick. And every morningI have been taking it very slow… I’ve been going into the studio around noon or 1:00pm! WHO AM I?! Business is still going good though, and I have really enjoyed slowing down and taking time to rest.


We find out the sex in a couple weeks— so we are excited about that. John doesn’t like surprises, so not finding out, was not an option. I think it’s a girl, but obviously have no clue. We will see soon enough!

We won’t be doing a big gender reveal party, but I am pondering a creative way to announce on social media.

Other than that, the nursery is in the works. And by in the works I mean, I have been a pinning machine and that’s about all that I have done. We plan to do a travel themed room, so that’s a good start! I already have several framed maps ready to go and some other travel paintings + travel photos + a globe ready to decorate with! Below is a fun inspo board that I found on Pinterest— and it was already complete with my Anthropologie globe! It was meant to be!


I also love these below! So many cute ideas and I can’t wait to get started on it! The nursery will be upstairs next to our bedroom and in the room that used to be my studio. It’s been a mess since I moved my studio to Springhouse, so I am excited to give the room a fresh coat of paint, some love on the paint splattered floors :/ and freshen everything up. The closet situation is worrying me a bit, because I have currently taken over that room’s closet too, so we will have to figure that out!

Anyways, John and I are so excited for this next chapter, and can’t thank you all enough for all the love and support we’ve already received! I will be posting updates along the way!



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